exceptions Module

exception rom.exceptions.BulkError

Bases: ORMError

Raised when using session.commit(fast=True) or equivalent, and there is at least one error.

exception rom.exceptions.ColumnError

Bases: ORMError

Raised when your column definitions are not correct

exception rom.exceptions.DataRaceError

Bases: InvalidOperation

Raised when more than one writer tries to update the same columns on the same entity

exception rom.exceptions.EntityDeletedError

Bases: InvalidOperation

Raised when another writer deleted the entity from Redis; use .save(force=True) to re-save

exception rom.exceptions.InvalidColumnValue

Bases: ColumnError

Raised when you attempt to pass a primary key on entity creation or when data assigned to a column is the wrong type

exception rom.exceptions.InvalidOperation

Bases: ORMError

Raised when trying to delete or modify a column that cannot be deleted or modified

exception rom.exceptions.MissingColumn

Bases: ColumnError

Raised when a model has a required column, but it is not provided on construction

exception rom.exceptions.ORMError

Bases: Exception

Base class for all ORM-related errors

exception rom.exceptions.QueryError

Bases: InvalidOperation

Raised when arguments to Model.get_by() or Query.filter are not valid

exception rom.exceptions.RestrictError

Bases: InvalidOperation

Raised when deleting an object referenced by other objects

exception rom.exceptions.UniqueKeyViolation

Bases: ORMError

Raised when trying to save an entity without a distinct column value